Feb 07, 2023

FL Technics, a global provider of aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services, has received certification update with extended CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation) capabilities to service Airbus A220, Boeing B737-MAX and B787 aircraft.
Read more: FL Technics Engine Services approved by FAA to provide repair services in Lithuania
The new approval is a result of rigorous FL Technics development in 2022 focused on industry trends related to efficiency and environment. With next-generation aircraft fleets targeting sustainable operations and environmental footprint reduction, maintaining these new aircraft airborne requires new specific knowledge and capabilities, which takes a lot of effort to acquire.
“Our company is focused on sustainable, modern and reliable engineering solutions, that is why I consider the new certification extension as a decisive and strategic development of our team,” Oleksandr Kulyk, Deputy CEO for Engineering at FL Technics, explained. “Technical expertise and diligence have proven our capacity to bring development in line with global trends. We are supporting a wide range of operators and lessors across the globe, and the trend we see demonstrates positive and promising development. We expect more aircraft of Airbus A220, Boeing B737-MAX and B787 types to be added to our supported fleet in the nearest future.”
Read more: FL Technics launched a line maintenance operations in Abu Dhabi
Since these next-generation aircraft are inevitably to replace the legacy types, after the successful extension of capabilities, next in line for FL Technics is to further develop capabilities to receive approval for Airbus A350, which is expected to be received this year.
The post FL Technics extends Part-CAMO capabilities to meet future demand of MRO industry appeared first on AIR CARGO WEEK.
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Author: Edward Hardy
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